Thursday, May 6, 2010

Playdough: Keepin It Real!

I love playdough both homemade,1613,146171-236192,00.html and store bought.
Some of our favorite ways to play with playdough are:
Popsicle sticks in every shape, color and size. Totally cheap and easy and adds hours of fun to a basic ball of dough.
Custom or store bought play mats. In our house we were learning all about lady bugs and metamorphosis so I made a basic mat out of green scrap paper and a couple of cut out pics from magazines of plants glued them all onto a recycled piece of cardboard and covered with clear contact paper. Let's take a minute to discuss clear contact paper and how fabulous it is! It is one of my mama must haves because of it's endless possibilities of crafts but also it can be used just like laminating w/out the trip or cost of running to the teacher supply store! Once the mat was done I added a couple sprigs of fake greenery for texture. We made ladybugs, larva, pupa, aphids, the letter L and butterflies (lesson learned, stick to one species of metamorphosis at a time for the little ones. My little one now thinks that a ladybug turns into a butterfly!) for hours!
Don't want to make your own, the store bought dinner place mats with letters, shapes, U.S.A. etc. all could provide inspiration for playdough transformation!
How do you and your fam get your playdough on?

1 comment:

  1. You are so awesome!!! I love your creativity and hands on with the kids.
